take care of my odu

There are 16 main Odús where each one is multiplied by 16 Omo-Odús thus making a total of 256 Odús including the Omo-Odús. Each of us has our own Odú. The word "ODÚ" means paths, destiny. It is your odú who will dictate your destiny from the time you are born until the time you take your last breath and leave for another life. We will be able to make changes in our destinies by giving the necessary offerings to our odú and, in this way, always leaving it on the positive side, bringing only good things and much prosperity to our lives. Each odú has its two sides. The positive side where it will only bring us good things and the negative side that, in fact, it will move away from us and, consequently, our paths are closed and no matter how much we fight with intelligence, nothing we do in this life will be successful. That's why it's important to leave our odú always positive. This is done through specific offerings to that particular odu once each year. We will be taking care of your Odú here in a special corner in our Terreiro de Candomblé and, whenever necessary, we will be alerting you of possible dangers, as well as all the information that your Odú wants to pass on to you. To take care of your odú here, leaving it always positive, we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. We guarantee you will be successful in everything you do or your money back. We also remind you that we guarantee 100% absolute secrecy. To request this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly.

Global Presence



The Spiritual Works the surgeries for each Work from end to end golden scalpel, whether for loving binding, pact, onshore or offshore, which usually take place in isolated high-risk locations, requires a high level of expertise and this King of voodoo has to spare.


mail: corporate.
mail: reidovudu@reidovudu.com
Telephone +55 0xx(34)99150-2401 CASO DE URGÊNCIA
Temple Landline Phone +55 0xx(34)3662-3812





