Religion supported by Law
Awareness of our rights help us to maintain our cultural roots and our identity!
In the case of the Candomblé Religion and Culture is doubly protected by law as the constitution of the Republic and also by ordinary legislation. Write down the items listed below and defend your right to worship his Orixá, also can make their offerings without being disturbed by any "authority".
Does the Federal Constitution of 1988, in Article 5, Section VI: "It is the inviolable freedom of conscience and belief, and assured the free exercise of religious cults and guaranteeing, in the form of law, the protection of places of worship and their liturgies. "
This device clearly demonstrates that we have inviolable right to practice our belief with the right to protect the place of worship, not so, neither the police nor other religions, trying to prevent that put our belief and our faith.
It is also an expression of african-Brazilian culture, the Candomblé, the umbanda is protected by Article 215, first paragraph of the MAGNA CARTA.
Article 215: The State guarantees the full exercise of all cultural rights and access to sources of national culture, and support and encourage the appreciation and dissemination of cultural events.
Paragraph 1 - The State protects the expressions of popular cultures, indigenous and african - Brazilian, and other groups participating in the National civilatório process.
Since our Federal Constitution Law - More, it must be obeyed by all, and wisdom to exercise our rights within the standards that the Charter itself - in providing magna.
Finally, it emphasized that Article 208 of the Brazilian Penal Code defines as a crime, the outrage the religious impediment or disturbance of the act on him, but let's see:
Article 208: jolly publicly for reasons of belief or religious function, prevent or disrupt ceremony or practice of publicly vilify religious act or object of religious worship:
Penalty: imprisonment from 1 month to 1 year or fine.
Sole Paragraph: If there is employment of violence, the penalty is increased by one third, corresponding to the subject of violence. Aware of our rights and that, religion is protected by law, carries it firmly within the limits of the law itself, without ever forgetting that our rights end where the right of another begins.
So its cultural Orixá with respect and devotion, also respecting the other religious events.
Law No. 9521 of 27 November 1997
Revoga the art. 27 of Decree-Law No. 3688 of October 3, 1941 - Law on Criminal Contraventions.
I know that the National Congress decrees and I sanction and following Law: Article 1 is hereby repealed Art. 27 of Decree-Law No. 3688 of October 3, 1941 - Law on Criminal Contraventions. Article 2 This law enters into force as of its publication. Article 3 is the repeal provision to the contrary.
Brasília, 27 November 1997, 176 and 109 of the Independence of the Republic.
José de Jesus Filho
Source: Journal of NATIONAL PRESS - Brasilia - DF
CXXXV YEAR - No. 231 SEXTA-FEIR A, 28 November 1997